Katharina Vilim
Gisela-Gymnasium, München/Germany (2003) on 2020-06-22

Dear Maddalena, Thank you very much for your article! I have never consciously dealt with the issue of what unites the youth worldwide. My first thought would also have been the emerging interest in politics, especially in environmental policy. But when I think about it more closely, it is rather a matter of division, because here, as so often, opinions polarize. I completely agree with you that music unites the youth, or in my opinion all people. As you have already described, music always conveys a feeling, which can help us to understand ourselves and maybe also others better. In addition, there is an enormous bandwidth in music. You can't go wrong, because it's art. From classical music to hard rock, everything is possible. And thus every human being is included and no one is excluded. I think this is an additional aspect that leads to the agreement that almost everyone can find their “place” in the broad spectrum of music. Yours Katharina

Cosa fa commuovere i giovani di oggi
by Maddalena Passeri (2002) Liceo Sesto Properzio, Assisi/Italy on 2020-06-19

The frontispiece was created by Maddalena’s schoolmate Swami Ferranti (*2002) in two versions. The following article was originally written in Italian, during the Corona lockdown. To read the English translation and the German one, please, scroll down.


The young ladies from Assisi would be very happy to receive your comments. If you are a trait d’union editor, you may use the comment and discussion function next to the article. Otherwise you can send your comment to contributions@traitdunion.online. There you can also send your own ideas and contributions to this frame topic: "Preserve, change, or let things slide: What moves young people and what do they move around the year 2020?"


Cosa fa commuovere i giovani d’oggi? 

Non molti se lo sono chiesto, e altrettanti pochi hanno risposto. 

Agli inizi dello scorso secolo i giovani si sono commossi con la fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale, che si è portata via, in molti casi, parti consistenti di famiglia. A poco meno della metà del ‘900 scoppia un’altra guerra: la Seconda Guerra Mondiale. Più tardi, dopo battaglie su battaglie e restrizioni, tutti si sono commossi con caduta del muro di Berlino. Barriera che aveva diviso famiglie e amici. I tempi sono cambiati, la tecnologia ha fatto enormi passi in avanti e le generazioni di questo millennio danno spesso per scontate cose che le generazioni più vecchie non potevano permettersi.

Quindi la domanda di ripropone: cosa fa commuovere la generazione Z? 

Abbiamo pensato a lungo alla risposta, abbiamo cercato sul web le reazioni di molti giovani a degli eventi successi ultimamente. Informazioni su informazioni che ci hanno portate a credere che la risposta si celasse dietro queste tre opzioni:

·        Video e foto che mostrano la vera umanità che non tutti possiedono

·        Notizie riguardanti il deterioramento del nostro pianeta

·        Il raggiungimento di un obiettivo o una vittoria.

II problema è che queste opzioni sono troppo differenti, di conseguenza non sono giuste per accomunare un’intera generazione. Come riuscire dunque a trovare qualcosa di universale? Stavamo per arrestare la nostra ricerca poiché non riuscivamo a giungere a una risposta soddisfacente. 

Poco dopo però, siamo riuscite a pensare a qualcosa che potesse accomunare tutti: la musica. La musica è la risposta più corretta, di fatti, riflettendoci bene, possiamo capire al meglio il suo potere: sette soavi note, che poste in ordini differenti creano infinite melodie. Non solo dipende dall’ordine in cui vengono messe, ma anche dallo strumento che le genera. Per qualcuno una canzone o una melodia può sembrare fastidiosa all’udito ma per qualcun altro invece può sembrare perfetta e orecchiabile. Tante volte ci siamo trovati a guardare un film e a rimanere commossi per il finale ma non abbiamo mai capito che in molti casi la musica di sottofondo gioca un ruolo fondamentale. 

Come fa un cantante o una band ad attirare a sé fan? Toccando proprio, attraverso brani e melodie, gli argomenti più sensibili per l’ascoltatore. Non dobbiamo però credere che solo il testo renda tale musica toccante: la melodia è la colonna portante.

Per quanto ognuno è differente dall’altro tutti abbiamo una canzone che ci riporta a un determinato sentimento, o, più semplicemente, a un ricordo: alcune canzoni ci fanno sentire felici, solari, rievocando in noi, per esempio, ricordi di un’amicizia. Altre ci rendono irrequieti, quasi nervosi, e, altre ancora ci rendono tristi. 

Dipende tutto dalla sensibilità di un individuo, ma il principio è lo stesso per tutti: anche i più apatici si possono commuovere udendo una determinata canzone.


What moves young people these days?

Not many have asked, and just as few have answered.

At the beginning of the last century young people were moved by the end of the First World War, which in many cases took away large parts of their families. Just under the middle of the 20th century another war broke out: The Second World War. Later, after battles on battles and restrictions, everyone was moved by the fall of the Berlin Wall. Barrier that had divided families and friends. Times have changed, technology has made enormous strides forward and the generations of this millennium often take things for granted that older generations could not afford.

So, the question is: what moves the Z generation?

We have thought long and hard about the answer, we have searched the web for the reactions of many young people to recent events. Information that led us to believe that the answer lies behind these three options:

·        Videos and photos that show the true humanity that not everyone possesses...

·        News about the deterioration of our planet

·        The achievement of a goal or a victory.

The problem is that these options are too different, so they are not right to bring an entire generation together. So how can we find something universal? We were about to stop our search because we could not come up with a satisfactory answer.

Soon after that, however, we were able to think of something that we could all have in common: music. Music is the most correct answer, as a matter of fact, if we think about it, we can better understand its power: seven soft notes, placed in different orders, create endless melodies. It depends not only on the order in which they are placed, but also on the instrument that generates them. For some people a song or a melody may seem annoying to the ear, but for others it may seem perfect and catchy. Many times, we found ourselves watching a movie and being moved by the ending but we never realized that in many cases the background music plays a fundamental role.

How does a singer or band attract fans? By touching the most sensitive topics for the listener through songs and melodies. But we must not believe that only the lyrics make such music touching: the melody is the backbone.

As different as each one is from the other, we all have a song that brings us back to a certain feeling, or, more simply, to a memory: some songs make us feel happy, sunny, evoking in us, for example, memories of a friendship. Others make us restless, almost nervous, and others make us sad.

It all depends on the sensitivity of an individual, but the principle is the same for everyone: even the most apathetic can be moved by hearing a particular song.


Was bewegt junge Menschen heutzutage?

Nicht viele haben es sich gefragt, und ebenso wenige haben geantwortet.

Zu Beginn des letzten Jahrhunderts wurden junge Menschen durch das Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges, der ihnen in vielen Fällen große Teile ihrer Familien nahm, bewegt. Kurz vor der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts brach ein weiterer Krieg aus: der Zweite Weltkrieg. Später, nach Kämpfen über Kämpfe und Einschränkungen, waren alle vom Fall der Berliner Mauer bewegt, einer Barriere, die Familien und Freunde entzweit hatte. Die Zeiten haben sich geändert, die Technologie hat enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und die Generationen dieses Jahrtausends nehmen oft Dinge als selbstverständlich hin, die sich die älteren Generationen nicht leisten konnten.

Die Frage ist also: Was bewegt die Z-Generation?

Wir haben lange und intensiv über die Antwort nachgedacht, wir haben im Internet nach den Reaktionen vieler junger Menschen auf die jüngsten Ereignisse gesucht. Informationen, die uns glauben ließen, dass die Antwort hinter diesen drei Optionen liegt:

·        Videos und Fotos, die die wahre Menschlichkeit zeigen, die nicht jeder besitzt...

·        Nachrichten über die Verschlechterung der Lage auf unserem Planeten

·        Das Erreichen eines Ziels oder ein Sieg.

Das Problem ist, dass diese Optionen zu unterschiedlich sind, nicht richtig, um eine ganze Generation zusammenzubringen. Wie können wir also etwas Universales finden? Wir waren kurz davor, unsere Suche abzubrechen, weil wir keine zufriedenstellende Antwort geben konnten.

Bald darauf fiel uns jedoch etwas ein, das wir alle gemeinsam haben könnten: Musik. Musik ist die korrekteste Antwort, denn wenn wir darüber nachdenken, können wir ihre Kraft besser verstehen: Sieben weiche Töne, die in verschiedenen Ordnungen angeordnet sind, erzeugen endlose Melodien. Es hängt nicht nur von der Reihenfolge ab, in der sie platziert werden, sondern auch von dem Instrument, das sie erzeugt. Für manche Menschen mag ein Lied oder eine Melodie für das Ohr lästig sein, für andere mag es perfekt und eingängig wirken. Viele Male sahen wir uns einen Film an und waren vom Ende bewegt, aber wir haben nie erkannt, dass in vielen Fällen die Hintergrundmusik eine grundlegende Rolle spielt.

Wie zieht ein Sänger oder eine Band Fans an? Indem durch Lieder und Melodien die für den Zuhörer sensibelsten Themen berührt werden. Aber wir dürfen nicht glauben, dass nur der Text eine solche Musik berührend macht: Die Melodie ist das Rückgrat.

So unterschiedlich jeder von uns ist, so haben wir doch alle ein Lied, das uns zu einem bestimmten Gefühl oder, einfacher gesagt, zu einer Erinnerung zurückbringt: Manche Lieder lassen uns glücklich und sonnig fühlen, sie rufen in uns zum Beispiel Erinnerungen an eine Freundschaft wach. Andere machen uns unruhig, fast nervös, und wieder andere machen uns traurig.

Es hängt alles von der Sensibilität des Einzelnen ab, aber das Prinzip ist für alle gleich: Selbst die Apathischsten können durch das Hören eines bestimmten Liedes bewegt werden.