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Amanuel*Kind - Die Grenzen des Sehens

A song written, composed and performed by Amanuel Hähnel (* 2002 / left in the picture) & Tim M...
By ..Tim Meyer (2002) Germany
on 2024-07-07

Mobbing in den sozialen Medien – Was tun

An English version is provided beneath the German one. Graphic by the author.   Mobbing in de...
By ..Verena Heß (2001) Germany
on 2024-07-07

Urteile nicht! Don’t judge! Jangan menghakimi!

An English version and – mostly translated by the author herself into her native language – an I...
By ..Tania Zühlke (2004) Germany
on 2024-07-06

Auf der Suche nach der beruflichen Erfüllung

An English version is provided beneath the German one. Graphic by the author.   Auf der Suche...
By ..Melanie Andraschko (2005) Germany
on 2024-07-09

Wie ich wurde, was ich bin. How I became what I am

The collage entitled "Schritt für Schritt zu deinem Beruf” (Step by step to your profession) was ...
By ..Helena Probst (2005) Germany
on 2024-07-01

Arbeiten bis zum Geht-nicht-mehr - Jimmy LeBrian

A short story written by David Covesan, Muriel Lübeck and Fawzi Zeituny. David recited the text; Mu...
By ..Fawzi Zeituny (1999) Germany
on 2024-07-06

Klimapolitik – es ist Zeit zu handeln

The author’s caricature was inspired by a cartoon by Gerhard Mester. An English version is provid...
By ..Lukas Schmalholz (1998) Germany
on 2024-07-02

Arbeit ist nicht alles! Work is not everything!

An English version is provided beneath the German one. Thanks to Pixabay for the picture. ...
By ..Franziska Liebl (2002) Germany
on 2024-07-02

How to navigate the world with an AuDHD brain

Pleasant Lake, MI. Picture taken by the author. A German version is provided beneath the English...
By ..Neo Schottner (1997) Germany
on 2024-07-01

Meine Grenzen - My boundaries

An English version is provided beneath the German one. Thanks to Pexels for the picture. ...
By ..Florina Enz (2004) Germany
on 2024-06-24

Fino a che punto può arrivare una protesta

An English version is provided beneath the Italian one. Image: Eugène Delacroix, La Libe...
By ..Francesca Cappelletti (2006) Italy
on 2024-06-10

You can make the difference

An Italian version is provided beneath the English one. Thanks to Darkmoon_Art from Pixab...
By ..Eleonora Sensi (2006) Italy
on 2024-06-10

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