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A ‘personal’ interview with ChatGPT

“Between the years” you sometimes have time to think or have unusual conversations. I wanted to ...
By ..Lothar Thiel (Project Manager) Germany
on 2025-01-07

Enigmo - Indovinello - Riddle - Rätsel

Image created by the author herself using AI.     Enigmo Mi estas fajfino, kunliganta ...
By ..Rosella Baldelli Italy
on 2024-12-29

La bona ​​tradicio

Photo taken by the author herself. According to our usually reliable in-house historians, this is t...
By ..Rosella Baldelli Italy
on 2024-12-29

Traditions and their change through social media

An article written by:  Eva Haug, Louisa Langer (Giselagymnasium) Anna Gaudenzi, Alessia Ventur...
By ..Louisa Langer (2008) Germany
on 2024-12-13

Traditions: France, Italy and Germany

ENGLISH While sharing our experiences we found out that there are many differences, but also similar...
By ..Martina Concetti (2008) Italy
on 2024-12-13

La tradizione che cerca un futuro

La tradizione che cerca un futuroNel canto antico delle voci saggeSi intrecciano storie, il tempo no...
By ..Irene Toccaceli Italy
on 2024-12-13

Tradition – gut oder schlecht – Good or Bad

You can read the following article here in German, English, Italian, French or Spanish. Photo: trai...
By ..Antonia Dornbach (2010) Germany
on 2024-12-12

اپتومتری در ایران - Optics in Iran

The following article is written in Farsi (Persian). An English and a German version are available b...
By ..Firuseh Azimi (2002) Germany
on 2024-10-04

Unser Nein als Grenze für andere

An English version is provided beneath the German one. Thanks to ottawagraphics on pixabay for the ...
By ..Letizia Schwebs (2004) Germany
on 2024-09-07

Use “trait d’union” for your educational purposes!

An invitation to pedagogues in schools and other educational institutions   The Intercultural...
By ..Lothar Thiel (Project Manager) Germany
on 2024-09-08

Dancing across all boundaries

The interview was conducted in English. A German translation can be read below. The photos were ki...
By ..Carlina Stroux (2010) Germany
on 2024-09-14

Grenzüberschreitung mit zwölf

A French and an English version are provided beneath the German one. Thanks to DomPixabay from pix...
By ..Clémence Zerbib (2012) Germany
on 2024-09-03

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