Johannes Brömmel
Gisela-Gymnasium, München/Germany (1999) on 2018-01-15

Great idea to interview people on such a cultural event. Was it easy to find people that wanted to answer some questions?

Oktoberfest Interviews about Integration
by Linus Meister (2003) Gisela-Gymnasium, München/Germany on 2018-01-06

trait d’union TV presents: Oktoberfest Interviews about Integration


16th September until 3rd October, 2017. It is the time of the world’s biggest folk festival. We, the trait d’union team of Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich, are in action at the Oktoberfest. There is no better place to communicate both with visitors of the whole world and people from Bavaria. Yusif Mohamed and Linus Meister asked them some questions about integration topics. The cameraman and video maker was Luca Blume. The whole activity was directed by Mr. Lothar Thiel.


trait d’union: Hello, what’s your name and where are you from?


Man: I’m Ethan.

Man: Anthony.

Man: Chamif.

People: And we’re from Australia.


Man: Ich bin der Stefan [I.] aus Fahrenzhausen.

I’m Stefan [I.] from Fahrenzhausen.


Woman: Mein Name ist Xiaofu Wang, ich komme aus Taiwan.

My name is Xiaofu Wang, I’m from Taiwan.


People: I’m Maya and I’m Fynn and we’re from the USA and Sweden.


Man: Mein Name ist Stefan [II.]. Ich komme vom Chiemsee.

My name is Stefan [II.]. I’m from the Lake Chiemsee.


Woman: My name is Hayne and her’s Buram and we are from South Korea.


Woman [Sarah]: Ich bin gebürtige Regensburgerin und bin in Regensburg aufgewachsen. Ich bin stolz, Bayerin zu sein, und deswegen auch heute mit der Tracht unterwegs.

I am from Regensburg, and I have grown up there. I am proud to be Bavarian and therefore I am here with the (Bavarian) costume.



trait d’union: Why did you come in a Bavarian costume to the Oktoberfest?


Maya: Well, we actually live here because we go to the international school, so I lived here for three years, so of course I’ve one.

Fynn: Me too and I believe that it’s very important for people who don’t come from Germany to integrate themselves into the culture so that, you know, everyone has a part.


Hayne and Buram: First, because of her (Buram) and because it looks pretty and we thought that when we wear it we could enjoy the Oktoberfest with citizens from here.


Ethan: Because you have to get involved in the culture, it’s the only way.

Anthony: Yes, to be part of it.
Chamif: And we are here to experience the diversity and the backgrounds.

Ethan: We didn’t travel 16.000 miles to come, to not immerse us of the culture! Right?

Chamif: The differences in the opinions, political, religious, ethnic … I want to experience all of it.


Stefan II.: Für mich ist das normal, weil das Tradition ist. Und wenn man aufs Oktoberfest oder Herbstfest geht, geht man in Tracht, ganz klar!

For me this is normal because it’s a tradition. When you go to the Oktoberfest or Autumn Festival, of course, you wear it.


Xiaofu Wang: Because it’s Oktoberfest, and I think it’s a very important ‘culture experience’ for me.



trait d’union: As a result of the national elections the AFD, an extreme right-wing party, entered the parliament. What do you think about it?


Stefan II.: Naja, gut nicht wirklich! Da ich selbst fünf Jahre im Ausland gelebt habe, hat es mich sehr überrascht, was da in Deutschland passiert ist über die Zeit. Und wenn es nach mir ginge, bräuchte man so was überhaupt nicht, aber es ist ein demokratisches Land und jeder hat eine freie Wahl.

Not really good and because I lived for five years in another country myself. It really surprised me what happened in Germany over the time and I think that we don’t need something like that, but, okay, we live in a democracy and anyone can vote for what he wants.


Sarah: Ich war, ehrlich gesagt, schockiert, dass es so gekommen ist, aber letztendlich finde ich es super, dass es Projekte wie diese [= trait d’union] gibt: dass sich Leute auch dagegen engagieren.

I really was shocked that it went that way, but I think it’s very good that a project like this exists, and that there are people who are actively engaged against that.


Xiaofu Wang: The parliament is a really wonderful thing because in my opinion it’s democracy, and a beautiful thing about democracy is that people can express their opinion, no matter if it’s left wing or right wing or in the middle. People can express their opinion or their supports. I think it’s wonderful, but I wasn’t really surprised that some people prefer some other parts even though the people are surprised for the results.


Stefan I.: Werden wir sehen, was dabei herauskommt, ich halte es für ziemlich schwierig.

We will see what the effects will be, but I think it’s rather difficult.



trait d’union: How should the Germans deal with the refugees?


Stefan I.: Das sind Leute, die Hilfe brauchen, und wir müssen uns dementsprechend aufstellen, um ihnen diese Hilfe zu geben.

Refugees are people who need help and we need to give them the help they need.


Stefan II.: Über Flüchtlinge: Grundsätzlich finde ich die Situation in Deutschland super. Ich finde richtig und auch gut, wie wir das gemacht haben, weil wir uns damals auch sehr gut präsentiert haben gegenüber der Welt. Natürlich muss es in geregelten Arten und Weisen passieren, das finde ich auch wichtig, aber im Grundsatz denke ich, gehen wir einen guten Weg.

I think the refugee situation in Germany is very good, it’s good how we managed it because we gave a good account of ourselves in front of the world. Of course, it must proceed in regulated manner, that is important too, but basically, I think we’re on the right track.


Fynn: Well, I believe that it’s for a good cause, so I do respect the decision of the government and I do think that they should be able to put a lot of afford into integrating themselves into our society.

Maya: Yes, rather than keeping them in a camp. They should be teaching them more.


Sarah: Also grundsätzlich finde ich es gut, dass wir Flüchtlinge aufnehmen und ich finde, dass die Leute den Flüchtlingen offener gegenübertreten sollten.

I think that it’s good that we admit refugees and I think the people should face them in a more open-minded manner.


Ethan: Don’t treat them like Australia! Let more in!

Anthony: Yes, it’s good to take refugees.

Chamif: It’s a simple answer: Show love!


Xiaofu Wang: I think in many Asian people’s opinion is that it’s really wonderful to see how Germany is open to different people and for the refugees. Because we always know that there are people who are suffering for something in this world, and Germany is the only country who is open-minded to them and accepts them. And although it costs some society problem, but I think that it’s temporary, and in the future, you will be fine.


trait d’union: Thank you very much and have a nice day. Bye-bye.


Xiaofu Wang: Bye-bye.