by Lothar Thiel (Project Manager) on 2021-11-07

Breaking news: E x t e n d e d until January 31, 2021! From Assisi, Italy, we received the call for a poetry contest, which we are happy to spread because of its multilingualism, interculturalism and creativity:

The Cultural Association "PENSIERI CREATIVI" (“Creative Thoughts”), announces the 1st edition 2021 of the International Literary Prize for Poetry and Videopoetry "PENSIERI CREATIVI Città di Assisi", with the aim of spreading and promoting, starting from Poetry, an interdisciplinary and intermediate vision of Art.

You can send a maximum of two poems.

Various prizes and certificates will be awarded to the winners. The first classified of each section (poetry und videopoetry) will compete for the title of ABSOLUTE WINNER of the First Edition of the International Prize "Pensieri Creativi Città di Assisi", receiving as a prize a voucher for a weekend stay for two people in a prestigious hotel.

N e w Deadline: J a n u a r y 3 1 , 2 0 2 2 - The competition is open to authors aged 18 or more

For more details click on the explanation in the language you prefer, please.

English | Italiano  | Français | Español | Deutsch

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Do you want to participate?  Then please use the registration form (in English).