An article written by: Eva Haug, Louisa Langer (Giselagymnasium) Anna Gaudenzi, Alessia Ventur...
By ..Louisa Langer (2008) Germany
on 2024-12-13
You can read the following article here in German, English, Italian, French or Spanish. Photo: trai...
By ..Antonia Dornbach (2010) Germany
on 2024-12-12
The interview was conducted in English. A German translation can be read below. The photos were ki...
By ..Carlina Stroux (2010) Germany
on 2024-09-14
A French and an English version are provided beneath the German one. Thanks to DomPixabay from pix...
By ..Clémence Zerbib (2012) Germany
on 2024-09-03
Photo: trait d`union Images Our editor Calina Spott reports for trait d’union TV on the o...
By ..Calina Spott (2009) Germany
on 2024-10-04
Hotel Utopia – ein interaktives Gesellschaftsspiel „Sich beim Einbürgerungsamt anmelden, A...
By ..Julius Podszun (2009) Germany
on 2023-12-13
Thanks to geralt from Pixabay for the use of the picture! Let’s talk about tipping points! &...
By ..Svenja Prantl (2005) Germany
on 2023-08-18
This article was written by Nina Kayser (2008) and Nelly Rosenwirth (2008), both from Gisela-Gymnasi...
By ..Nelly Rosenwirth (2008) Germany
on 2023-08-18
The following story was created by Laura Bastianini (2004), Liceo Sesto Properzio di Assisi/...
By ..Svenja Prantl (2005) Germany
on 2023-06-26
The following article was written by Antonia Sandbank and Sarah Verweyen as part of the trait d`unio...
By ..Sarah Verweyen (2005) Germnany
on 2023-05-29
The following article was written by Ramah Al Sahli (2004), Gisela-Gymnasium München/German...
By ..Ramah Al Salih (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-30
Written by: Julius Podszun (2009), Gisela-Gymnasium München/Germany, Agnese Corradini (2006), Liceo...
By ..Julius Podszun (2009) Germany
on 2023-05-28
The following article was written as part of the trait d`union online workshop “The fight...
By ..Jasmeen Kasem (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-28
The drawing was created by Gianfranco Bertoldi, Liceo Sesto Properzio di Assisi/Italy. This article...
By ..Helena Lang (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-28
The photo entitled “Strach” (Fear) was created by Jadwiga Pieronkiewicz, then a student at ...
By ..Carlina Stroux (2010) Germany
on 2022-08-31
The drawing was made by Jakob Förderer, then a student at the German School of Toulouse, wh...
By ..Anna Zoreva (2006) Germany
on 2022-08-30
The photo above shows Mrs. Monika Sailer during the interview which was held in German. To read the ...
By ..Louisa Lettow (2003) Germany
on 2021-04-11
The photo above shows Mrs. Monika Sailer during the interview which was held in German. Click here i...
By ..Felicitas Hilmer (2003) Germany
on 2021-04-11
The following text was originally written at school as a German essay. Then it became an article –...
By ..Nina Lommerzheim (2005) Germany
on 2021-04-10
The following text was originally written at school as a German essay. Then it became an article –...
By ..Niklas Spieth (2005) Germany
on 2021-04-10
Katharina originally wrote the following text at school as an English essay. With some time-related ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2021-01-10
My Nguyen (*2002), Katharina Ortner (*2002) & Katharina Vilim (*2003) conducted interviews with ...
By ..My Nguyen (2002) Germany
on 2020-06-18
My Nguyen (*2002), Katharina Ortner (*2002) & Katharina Vilim (*2003) realizaron entrevistas a p...
By ..Katharina Vilim (2003) Germany
on 2020-06-18
A photo reportage with impressions of the life in Munich during the Corona crisis. Please click here...
By ..Ferdinand Putz (2002) Germany
on 2020-06-20
Our editor Tara Schauer wrote her article about racism in the USA in 2017. It could be from today. W...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2020-06-02
The frontispiece was created in two versions by Katharina’s schoolmate Anabel Kahlhammer (*2002). ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2020-05-24
- Text in English and German - trait d’union TV | Playlist n° 10 | Tra...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2020-04-07
This is the English translation of an article originally written in German. The German version can b...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2020-03-29
05.24.19, The 10th-graders of the Gisela Gymnasium are making their way to the “theater cellar”,...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2019-10-06
Review of an Indo-German Theater Coproduction “Boy with a suitcase”, created by the Bri...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2019-10-06
Boy with a Suitcase at the Schauburg (1) Review of a Production with Indian and German Actors ...
By ..Vivian Lehner (2003) Germany
on 2021-08-22
Eine Rezension zum Theaterstück des K25-Theaters. „Emanzipation.“ - „ Krieg.“ - „ ...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2019-07-05
trait d’union TV zeigt: "Untergang auf dem Mittelmeer" Die Mitglieder des Oberstufenensembl...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2019-01-28
Der Workshop „Flucht & Heimat“ wurde vom 22. bis 24. Oktober 2018 unter der Leitung von Loth...
By ..Naira Weeber (2007) Germany
on 2018-12-26
trait d’union TV zeigt: ... bis die erste Szene steht(trait d`union & k25 Theater "Flucht &...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2018-12-26
trait d’union TV zeigt: Die eigenen Grenzen erweitern (Workshop 2018 trait d`union & k25 Thea...
By ..Jonathan von Gierke (2002) Germany
on 2018-12-26
Ein Feature von Samiya Simperl (links) & Antonia Sandbank (rechts), Schülerinnen der Klasse 7d ...
By ..Samiya Simperl (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26
trait d’union TV zeigt: Refugio München, Hilfe für traumatisierte Flüchtlinge(Workshop 2018 tra...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26
Ein Interview mit Leuten auf dem Münchner Elisabethplatz von Antonia Sandbank & Samiya Simperl&...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26
trait d’union TV zeigt: Workshop 2018 trait d`union & k25 Theater „Flucht & Heimat“ - ...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2018-12-26
Katharina Ortner (left) and Emily Ehrenschneider in a reciprocal interview during the "Flucht & ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2024-01-20
Theater-Workshop mit Viktor Schenkel „Schauspiel ist die Emotion im gespielten Moment“ ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2024-01-21
Reflexion der drei Projekttage Im Zeitraum von drei Tagen wurden mit dem Oberstufenensemble des k25...
By ..Zoe Kucknat (2002) Germany
on 2018-11-28
Eine Reportage von Felix Höller, Zoe Kucknat, Leona Brenke und Luisa Schaardt (von links nach recht...
By ..Zoe Kucknat (2002) Germany
on 2018-11-28
Die Verfasserin dieses Artikels ist Lehrerin am Gisela-Gymnasium München und dort eine der beiden -...
By ..Eva Straub-Kölcze Germany
on 2018-11-24
A brief introduction to nonviolent communication "Words are windows, or they`re wal...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2018-06-13
Video exklusiv hier bei trait d’union TV. Die Brücke steht wohl als eines der ältesten ...
By ..Konrad Zinner (2000) Germany
on 2018-05-22
The author of this article is Dema Mohamed, while the picture was created by Emil Bohnhoff. There is...
By ..Dema Mohamed (2005) Germany
on 2018-02-16
Written by Isabel Deville and Tara Schauer Seventeen people, three are leaving the room. They don...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-26
Brexit: negative consequences for Germans / EU citizens There are practically only two ways for...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23
The importance of intercultural competence Have you ever been abroad? Maybe in America or i...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-23
Vor circa vier Jahren wurden bei mir im Dorf große graue und eigentlich relativ hässliche Containe...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23
Swearing is something most people do on a regular basis, be it because something bad happened or jus...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23
Concerts of all kinds bring different cultures, ages and viewpoints together. But metal and its many...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23
Portraying different races is nothing new in the history of video games. Very early games including ...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23
The refugee camp “Moria” on the Greek isle Lesbos looks like a high-security wing. Inside are no...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20
There are three reasons that lead to the term diversity getting an enhancement in the last few years...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20
This article contains several right wing parties from Europe and some information about them. Im ...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20
International Social Media Marketing – Influence of Culture (maximum length of title too small) ...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20
Following the exchange of students with a school in Barcelona, we, the students of class...
By ..Hannah Irschara (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-19
[English Summary of the German text below] Of course you can say I am German, from that a l...
By ..Samiya Simperl (2006) Germany
on 2018-01-19
My experiences on being alone in a foreign country for the first time In summer 2016 I went on an...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-17
An was denkst du, wenn du dieses Bild siehst? Keine Ahnung, der Pullover ist ganz cool An nichts a...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-15
Ebow X - an alevi artist with migrant background I discovered Ebow X (Ebru Düzgün) when I watch...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-15
For the purpose of the intercultural youth magazine trait d’union I decided to interview my mother...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-15
I remember the day I got my first cell phone. It was the first day of the fifth grade, and I could b...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-14
Last weekend I had the idea to make an interview about migration. I wanted to focus on the younger...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-14
Dealing with diversity and building bridges are the diplomat’s key competence The great Wall th...
By ..Johannes Brömmel (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-11
We, students from the 9th form of Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich/Germany, were in Barcelona because of...
By ..Hannah Irschara (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-09
Thomas de Maizière’s LeitkulturThe following article is written in English and – initially- in ...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-08
trait d’union TV presents: Oktoberfest Interviews about Integration 16th September until 3r...
By ..Linus Meister (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-06
"Tourists don´t know where they have been.Travellers don´t know where they are going!!" (Quote fr...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-04
Different Christmas Traditions around the Globe In many cultures, Christmas is an establi...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-12-24
You know precisely why the title of this article caught your eye. You have a fire inside you. The ne...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-12-12
Refugees at Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich In 2015 many people from Syria, countries of the Middle Ea...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-12-02
Tolerance is defined as a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs and prac...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-11-20
University Integration of Refugees and Intercultural Competence Integration von Flüchtlingen an de...
By ..Johannes Brömmel (1999) Germany
on 2017-11-09
This article is written in English and in German. Japan- a country of change Japan. A co...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-30
South Korea is far away from my home country Germany. Last summer, I took a flight to Seoul, the cap...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-29
The still existing racism in America Since 1619, when the first African slaves were brough...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-10-27
Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language but you just don’t know how to start and don’t ...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-17
The Europe Day Although the term "Europe" or "EU" is often used in the news, in the classroo...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-08-23
Everyone has got different opinions when talking about student exchange programmes. Most claim, that...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-05-25
The article discusses whether an international exchange is a good idea or not. I was an exchange st...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-03-17
Jeden Tag fliehen mehrere tausend Menschen über Deutschlands Grenze um Zuflucht in unserem Land zu ...
By ..Konrad Zinner (2000) Germany
on 2016-11-27