Gisela-Gymnasium, München/Germany

Traditions and their change through social media

An article written by:  Eva Haug, Louisa Langer (Giselagymnasium) Anna Gaudenzi, Alessia Ventur...
By ..Louisa Langer (2008) Germany
on 2024-12-13

Tradition – gut oder schlecht – Good or Bad

You can read the following article here in German, English, Italian, French or Spanish. Photo: trai...
By ..Antonia Dornbach (2010) Germany
on 2024-12-12

Dancing across all boundaries

The interview was conducted in English. A German translation can be read below. The photos were ki...
By ..Carlina Stroux (2010) Germany
on 2024-09-14

Grenzüberschreitung mit zwölf

A French and an English version are provided beneath the German one. Thanks to DomPixabay from pix...
By ..Clémence Zerbib (2012) Germany
on 2024-09-03

European Championship kick-off 2024. Anpfiff 2024

Photo: trait d`union Images   Our editor Calina Spott reports for trait d’union TV on the o...
By ..Calina Spott (2009) Germany
on 2024-10-04

Hotel Utopia

Hotel Utopia – ein interaktives Gesellschaftsspiel „Sich beim Einbürgerungsamt anmelden, A...
By ..Julius Podszun (2009) Germany
on 2023-12-13

Let´s talk about tipping points!

Thanks to geralt from Pixabay for the use of the picture! Let’s talk about tipping points! &...
By ..Svenja Prantl (2005) Germany
on 2023-08-18

Fast fashion and its impact

This article was written by Nina Kayser (2008) and Nelly Rosenwirth (2008), both from Gisela-Gymnasi...
By ..Nelly Rosenwirth (2008) Germany
on 2023-08-18

Tales of a little girl

  The following story was created by Laura Bastianini (2004), Liceo Sesto Properzio di Assisi/...
By ..Svenja Prantl (2005) Germany
on 2023-06-26

Gender Discrimination and Sexism

The following article was written by Antonia Sandbank and Sarah Verweyen as part of the trait d`unio...
By ..Sarah Verweyen (2005) Germnany
on 2023-05-29

Diskriminierung aufgrund des Aussehens

  The following article was written by Ramah Al Sahli (2004), Gisela-Gymnasium München/German...
By ..Ramah Al Salih (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-30

Xenophobia and Nationalism

Written by: Julius Podszun (2009), Gisela-Gymnasium München/Germany, Agnese Corradini (2006), Liceo...
By ..Julius Podszun (2009) Germany
on 2023-05-28

Why People are Racist

  The following article was written as part of the trait d`union online workshop “The fight...
By ..Jasmeen Kasem (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-28

Climate Change in Germany

The drawing was created by Gianfranco Bertoldi, Liceo Sesto Properzio di Assisi/Italy. This article...
By ..Helena Lang (2004) Germany
on 2023-05-28

Diskriminierung in der Schule

The photo entitled “Strach” (Fear) was created by Jadwiga Pieronkiewicz, then a student at ...
By ..Carlina Stroux (2010) Germany
on 2022-08-31

How Racism Destroys our Lives

  The drawing was made by Jakob Förderer, then a student at the German School of Toulouse, wh...
By ..Anna Zoreva (2006) Germany
on 2022-08-30

One Billion Rising (deu.-engl.-ital.)

The photo above shows Mrs. Monika Sailer during the interview which was held in German. To read the ...
By ..Louisa Lettow (2003) Germany
on 2021-04-11

One Billion Rising (fra.-esp.)

The photo above shows Mrs. Monika Sailer during the interview which was held in German. Click here i...
By ..Felicitas Hilmer (2003) Germany
on 2021-04-11

Was tun gegen Hatespeech

The following text was originally written at school as a German essay. Then it became an article –...
By ..Nina Lommerzheim (2005) Germany
on 2021-04-10

Gegen Hass im Internet

The following text was originally written at school as a German essay. Then it became an article –...
By ..Niklas Spieth (2005) Germany
on 2021-04-10

The Third Time’s the Charm

Katharina originally wrote the following text at school as an English essay. With some time-related ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2021-01-10

Covid – around the World

My Nguyen (*2002), Katharina Ortner (*2002) & Katharina Vilim (*2003) conducted interviews with ...
By ..My Nguyen (2002) Germany
on 2020-06-18

Covid - alrededor del mundo

My Nguyen (*2002), Katharina Ortner (*2002) & Katharina Vilim (*2003) realizaron entrevistas a p...
By ..Katharina Vilim (2003) Germany
on 2020-06-18

Weird Reality - die Corona-Krise in München

A photo reportage with impressions of the life in Munich during the Corona crisis. Please click here...
By ..Ferdinand Putz (2002) Germany
on 2020-06-20

Racism in the USA

Our editor Tara Schauer wrote her article about racism in the USA in 2017. It could be from today. W...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2020-06-02

Corona: impact on domestic violence

The frontispiece was created in two versions by Katharina’s schoolmate Anabel Kahlhammer (*2002). ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2020-05-24

Our panel discussion on Youth & Politics - Trailer

- Text in English and German -  trait d’union TV | Playlist n° 10 | Tra...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2020-04-07

Why I participated in the Fridays for Future demonstration

This is the English translation of an article originally written in German. The German version can b...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2020-03-29

Acting Work Shop with an Indian Theater Pedagogue

05.24.19, The 10th-graders of the Gisela Gymnasium are making their way to the “theater cellar”,...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2019-10-06

Boy with a Suitcase at the Schauburg (2)

Review of an Indo-German Theater Coproduction   “Boy with a suitcase”, created by the Bri...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2019-10-06

Boy with a Suitcase at the Schauburg (1)

Boy with a Suitcase at the Schauburg (1) Review of a Production with Indian and German Actors ...
By ..Vivian Lehner (2003) Germany
on 2021-08-22

„Auf der Flucht Richtung Heimat“

Eine Rezension zum Theaterstück des K25-Theaters.  „Emanzipation.“ - „ Krieg.“ - „ ...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2019-07-05

Untergang auf dem Mittelmeer

trait d’union TV zeigt: "Untergang auf dem Mittelmeer"  Die Mitglieder des Oberstufenensembl...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2019-01-28

Heimat und Flucht – ein Überblick

Der Workshop „Flucht & Heimat“ wurde vom 22. bis 24. Oktober 2018 unter der Leitung von Loth...
By ..Naira Weeber (2007) Germany
on 2018-12-26

... bis die erste Szene steht

trait d’union TV zeigt: ... bis die erste Szene steht(trait d`union & k25 Theater "Flucht &...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2018-12-26

Die eigenen Grenzen erweitern

trait d’union TV zeigt: Die eigenen Grenzen erweitern (Workshop 2018 trait d`union & k25 Thea...
By ..Jonathan von Gierke (2002) Germany
on 2018-12-26

Ich renne, renne, renne

Ein Feature von Samiya Simperl (links) & Antonia Sandbank (rechts), Schülerinnen der Klasse 7d ...
By ..Samiya Simperl (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26

Refugio München

trait d’union TV zeigt: Refugio München, Hilfe für traumatisierte Flüchtlinge(Workshop 2018 tra...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26

Passanteninterview zu Flucht & Heimat

Ein Interview mit Leuten auf dem Münchner Elisabethplatz von Antonia Sandbank & Samiya Simperl&...
By ..Antonia Sandbank (2006) Germany
on 2018-12-26

Video über den Workshop „Flucht & Heimat“

trait d’union TV zeigt: Workshop 2018 trait d`union & k25 Theater „Flucht & Heimat“ - ...
By ..Marc Withut Germany
on 2018-12-26

Die Kunst des Interviews - The art of interviewing

Katharina Ortner (left) and Emily Ehrenschneider in a reciprocal interview during the "Flucht & ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2024-01-20

Theater-Workshop mit Viktor Schenkel

Theater-Workshop mit Viktor Schenkel „Schauspiel ist die Emotion im gespielten Moment“   ...
By ..Katharina Ortner (2002) Germany
on 2024-01-21

Reflexion der Workshops über Flucht und Heimat

Reflexion der drei Projekttage Im Zeitraum von drei Tagen wurden mit dem Oberstufenensemble des k25...
By ..Zoe Kucknat (2002) Germany
on 2018-11-28

Integration in Deutschland

Eine Reportage von Felix Höller, Zoe Kucknat, Leona Brenke und Luisa Schaardt (von links nach recht...
By ..Zoe Kucknat (2002) Germany
on 2018-11-28

Das Projekt Inklusion Hören am Gisela-Gymnasium

Die Verfasserin dieses Artikels ist Lehrerin am Gisela-Gymnasium München und dort eine der beiden -...
By ..Eva Straub-Kölcze Germany
on 2018-11-24

Nonviolent communication for beginners

A brief introduction to nonviolent communication    "Words are windows, or they`re wal...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2018-06-13

k25-Theater: Ö. v. Horváth, Hin und Her

Video exklusiv hier bei trait d’union TV.   Die Brücke steht wohl als eines der ältesten ...
By ..Konrad Zinner (2000) Germany
on 2018-05-22

Mobbing/Bullying: What is it?

The author of this article is Dema Mohamed, while the picture was created by Emil Bohnhoff. There is...
By ..Dema Mohamed (2005) Germany
on 2018-02-16

German students meet Syrian refugees

Written by Isabel Deville and Tara Schauer Seventeen people, three are leaving the room. They don...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-26

Brexit: negative consequences

Brexit: negative consequences for Germans / EU citizens There are practically only two ways for...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23

The Importance Of Intercultural Competence

The importance of intercultural competence   Have you ever been abroad? Maybe in America or i...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-23

Flüchtlingsunterkunft in einem kleinen deutschen Dorf

Vor circa vier Jahren wurden bei mir im Dorf große graue und eigentlich relativ hässliche Containe...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23

Learning curse words in other languages

Swearing is something most people do on a regular basis, be it because something bad happened or jus...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23

Metal and Culture?

Concerts of all kinds bring different cultures, ages and viewpoints together. But metal and its many...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23

Racial Representation in Video Games

Portraying different races is nothing new in the history of video games. Very early games including ...
By ..Pauline Karl (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-23

Refugees in Lesbos

The refugee camp “Moria” on the Greek isle Lesbos looks like a high-security wing. Inside are no...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20

Enhancement of the term Diversity

There are three reasons that lead to the term diversity getting an enhancement in the last few years...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20

Rechtspopulistische Parteien in Europa

This article contains several right wing parties from Europe and some information about them. Im ...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20

International Social Media Marketing

International Social Media Marketing – Influence of Culture (maximum length of title too small) ...
By ..Manuel Balota (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-20

Independent Catalonia? We ask some questions.

  Following the exchange of students with a school in Barcelona, we, the students of class...
By ..Hannah Irschara (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-19

I am a „Mixture“

  [English Summary of the German text below] Of course you can say I am German, from that a l...
By ..Samiya Simperl (2006) Germany
on 2018-01-19

Being alone in a foreign country for the first time

My experiences on being alone in a foreign country for the first time In summer 2016 I went on an...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2018-01-17

Coolest Monkey in the Jungle

An was denkst du, wenn du dieses Bild siehst? Keine Ahnung, der Pullover ist ganz cool An nichts a...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-15


Ebow X - an alevi artist with migrant background I discovered Ebow X (Ebru Düzgün) when I watch...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-15

An Interview about work at a refugee camp

For the purpose of the intercultural youth magazine trait d’union I decided to interview my mother...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-15

The problem of modern communication

I remember the day I got my first cell phone. It was the first day of the fifth grade, and I could b...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-14

How do younger people think about immigrants?

Last weekend I had the idea to make an interview about migration. I wanted to focus on the younger...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-14

"We found common interests, beyond business"

Dealing with diversity and building bridges are the diplomat’s key competence The great Wall th...
By ..Johannes Brömmel (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-11

The Independence Efforts in Catalonia

We, students from the 9th form of Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich/Germany, were in Barcelona because of...
By ..Hannah Irschara (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-09

De Maizières Leitkultur

Thomas de Maizière’s LeitkulturThe following article is written in English and – initially- in ...
By ..Sebastian Menthe (1999) Germany
on 2018-01-08

Oktoberfest Interviews about Integration

trait d’union TV presents: Oktoberfest Interviews about Integration   16th September until 3r...
By ..Linus Meister (2003) Germany
on 2018-01-06

The difference between tourists and travellers

"Tourists don´t know where they have been.Travellers don´t know where they are going!!" (Quote fr...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2018-01-04

Different Christmas Traditions around the Globe

Different Christmas Traditions around the Globe   In many cultures, Christmas is an establi...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-12-24

Go ahead and travel the world

You know precisely why the title of this article caught your eye. You have a fire inside you. The ne...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-12-12

Refugees at Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich

Refugees at Gisela-Gymnasium in Munich In 2015 many people from Syria, countries of the Middle Ea...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-12-02


Tolerance is defined as a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions, beliefs and prac...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-11-20

Intercultural Integration at Universities

University Integration of Refugees and Intercultural Competence Integration von Flüchtlingen an de...
By ..Johannes Brömmel (1999) Germany
on 2017-11-09

Experience Japan

This article is written in English and in German.  Japan- a country of change Japan. A co...
By ..Theresa Krinninger (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-30

Meeting another culture: Korea

South Korea is far away from my home country Germany. Last summer, I took a flight to Seoul, the cap...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-29

Racism In the USA

The still existing racism in America Since 1619, when the first African slaves were brough...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-10-27

How to learn a new language

Have you ever wanted to learn a foreign language but you just don’t know how to start and don’t ...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-10-17

The Europe Day

The Europe Day Although the term "Europe" or "EU" is often used in the news, in the classroo...
By ..Tara Schauer (1998) Germany
on 2017-08-23

Why student exchange programmes are important

Everyone has got different opinions when talking about student exchange programmes. Most claim, that...
By ..Elena Diehl (2000) Germany
on 2017-05-25

Internationaler Schüleraustausch

The article discusses whether an international exchange is a good idea or not. I was an exchange st...
By ..Isabel Deville (2000) Germany
on 2017-03-17

Treffen mit einer Klasse jugendlicher Flüchtlinge

Jeden Tag fliehen mehrere tausend Menschen über Deutschlands Grenze um Zuflucht in unserem Land zu ...
By ..Konrad Zinner (2000) Germany
on 2016-11-27